Monday, February 28, 2011

How true is true love??

Many people around the world flies north to south, east to west for a simple element where is known as true love.. When you try to type in wikipedia suggestion for the real meaning... The computer shows many options...but there is not even a single one have the correct answer... how frustating... But, for me.... Real and true love means freedom.. there is a saying.. Try to let go on the things that you love the most,if it comes back to you, it means.. is yours, if not, then just thanks for the memories'... well, I always reminds myself.. nothing beside me will be an ever last product.. Therefore... If you got my phone... You see many strange photo in it... because... Photo and memories stay the same even then subject change...
My Love,My Life, and My Family.. their are my most important assets.. therefore.. if someone lays a hand on them.. I make sure revenge will be the price to pay..
Sometimes, i will have my memories flash back when some music were played... thinking to correct my past may save the present me... How could anyone forget the dark memories? the pain that triggers tears? Is there.. the vital organs... The Heart.. it have endless space to save a life span memories.... There were joy and laughter... there were cries and sorrow.. and this were the things that no one understand better than yourself.. and another horrible thing that you do to anyone is the word.. 'I Swear'... to avoid making your loves One in further pain.. Don't ever say I swear I love you forever.. this is because when You aint love them anymore... You just made yourself a invinsible murderer... The pain and the tears you made them surfer..
Just say that... I love you for ten years.. after that ten years, if you guys still in relation just add the duration... Trust me... That lesser the pain..

True love do not exist..... True love are there when You know they loved you from the bottom of their heart... Dun say 'I Love You always'..... Say You have the keys to my heart... when every thing disappear from your life.. Just start back another new life, suicide never solve problem.... it only show the stupidity and idiotism of you... I never make everything to stay with me... I believe... i am having the right thing at the right time... Love honest, Love Loyal... God made everyone is anyone special love One... because.. God knows.. it take two to creat harmony and warmth.

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