Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blues Blues and mind to free me away?

Well,my result will reveal soon... The Highest Examination in the country... at this very moment,I feel I been struck by Zues's lighting bolt, charges by the hell fire and knock by two heavy weight boxer... oh gosh... in conclusion,My Journey of getting to college or universities may end here..

I do not regret for the things that i chose to not get it.. So,I gotta get some work on hand...a second job, While surfing the net today,i found myself a jobs which my basic sector..Customer,i would like to give fate and myself a chance... hoping to get the job and work.

Studies is important,Finally realizing why my old man would get a stroke to make me as educated as he could..But, do my future really tied to those innocent yet recyclable paper??? To many people ,Certificate from the learning sector seem to be a high reputation for certain people to face the society... My Parents would high die the price and make sure they learn to made and earn money to kept the family in a part..

Money, The root of evil.... created mayhem, created rat race,created abuse, money seem so pure and innocent but..... it had taken over our mind bit by bit and kill humanity little by little.. I close my eyes and try to see my future.. do you know what i saw???

People walking around with full stacked, I MEAN FULL STACKED of Money.. What the lord have happen to them... Money buy humanity?

Yes, I need to have a sum of amount but not to the limit that i would bring a briefcase of cash to a mall.. it would be idiot...

My Biggest Concern............. Can Money buys my love away?? Can Money washes our sweet memories? i know..... i fail this exam right from the start.. Say or point out my stupidity ...... Whatever i did... i never betray my humanity.. I never make life gone... I just live my life in a easier and less complete way....

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